

Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) is a positive-sense single-stranded RNA virus species in the genus Tobamovirus that infects a wide range of plants, especially tobacco and other members of the family Solanaceae. The infection causes characteristic patterns, such as "mosaic"-like mottling and discoloration on the leaves (hence the name). TMV was the first virus to be discovered. Although it was known from the late 19th century that a non-bacterial infectious disease was damaging tobacco crops, it was not until 1930 that the infectious agent was determined to be a virus. It is the first pathogen identified as a virus. The virus was crystallised by W.M. Stanley. It has a similar size to the largest synthetic molecule, known as PG5.[1] Tobacco mosaic virus Transmission electron micrograph of TMV particles negative stained to enhance visibility at 160,000× magnification Transmission electron micrograph of TMV particles negative stained to enhance visibility at 160,000× magnification Vir...


 Phylum- porifera  *  ( paros -  pore , ferre ~TO BEAR)      * Commonly called as " spongs ".     General characters  1 porifera  are all aquatic, mostly  marine few terrestrial .  2 The are. Sessile and sedentary & grow like plant.   3. BODY SHAPE : vase or cylinder like . 4 Symmetry:  Asymmetrical or radial.   5 The body surface  is perpforted .by numerous pores,  the ostia through which water  entous the body of one or more large opening .the oscula by which the water exist . 6 They consist of outer ectoderm & inner endoderm with an  intermediate layer of ,mesenchyme ; therefore diploblastic  7 mouth - absent , Digestion ~ intracellular  8  Excautory & respiration  organs are absent  9 contractile vacucles. Are present in some fresh water forms .  10 The sponges are monoecious .   Monoecious-‐》 present male and fem...


 PROTOZOA.                                     (1st animal) NAMING 》》》 PROTOS : (FRIST) , ZOON :(ANIMAL)                      ORIGIN 》》pre - Cambrian                                      also known as frist animals.                      ``````````````````                            * General characters * 1 A cellular (not dived into cell ) . 2 the term PROTOZOA was called by goldfuss . 3 they simplist and most primitive  ANIMAL having level of oxg . 4 body consist of protoplast mass . 5 they are microscopic, primitive and eukaryotic.   6  habitats; aquatic/ freeliving/parasitic commensal . 7  B...


Ecology/Inpotaance of Ecology

 ECOLOGY-----   IS A  BRANCH OF BIOLOGY THAT DEALS WITH THE STUDY OF INTERACTIONS AND INTERRELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ORGANISM AND THEIR ENVIRONMENT  ENVIRONMENT----    comprises lithosphere hydrosphere and atmosphere  The term ECOLOGY was coined by German scientist ERNEST HAECKEL (1869).. 🧿  IMPORTANT OF ECOLOGY  1*) ADAPTATION >>> ALL organism are adapted to their environment they cannot flourish in another environment  2*) CHANGES IN ENVIRONMENT >>》living being bring about chang in there environment like moderation of temperature building of soil, increased humidity periodicity of rain fall etc.. 3*) ATMOSPHERE >>> it I'd.  Not only aprotective shield  over ore planet but also a resource .the same has been built up largely by the activity of living being .degradation of ATMOSPHERE is fought with extrem danger .    4*)  TYPE OF PLANT >>> It provide information as to the types of...

Physiological effects of plant growth regulator

 *AUXIN * .  AUXIN (from Greek 'AUXIN':to grow) was frist isolated  from human  urine  The term 'is applied to the indole -3-acetic Acid (IAA) ,and to other natural and synthetic compound having certain growth regulating properties they are generally product by the growing apices of the stems and roots from where they migrate to the region of their action. AUXIN like IAA. and indole butyric acid (IBA) have been isolated from plants. NAA(naphthalene acetic acid) and 2,4-D(2,-4dicholorophenoxyacetic)are synthetic AUXIN all these AUXINS have been used extensive in agriculture and horticulture practice  They help to initiate rooting in stem  cuttings, an application widely used  for plants  provocation. Auxins promoted flowering pineapples they help to prevent fruit and leaf drop at early stage but promoted the abscission of older mature leave and fruits.  In most higher plant ,the growing apical bud inhibits the growth of the leteral...

Biochemical cycle

 Biochemical cycle  Bio - biosphere  Geo- geological components  Chemical-  elements  Cycle- move through cycle  The cycling of Chemical elements like carbon,oxygen, nitrogen, water, sulphur &phosphorus  in the biosphere  is called  Biochemical cycle  Part of Biochemical cycle. *   hydrological  cycle  *gaseous cycle  *sedimentary