(1st animal)

NAMING 》》》 PROTOS : (FRIST) , ZOON :(ANIMAL)                     

ORIGIN 》》pre - Cambrian 

                                    also known as frist animals.                      ``````````````````

                           *General characters *

1 A cellular (not dived into cell ) .

2 the term PROTOZOA was called by goldfuss .

3 they simplist and most primitive  ANIMAL having level of oxg .

4 body consist of protoplast mass .

5 they are microscopic, primitive and eukaryotic.  

6  habitats; aquatic/ freeliving/parasitic commensal .

7  Body : Asymmetric, Bilateral & radial. 

8  Body naked/ covered by pellicle / shell / cyst .

9  Locomotion -- pseupodia ,  flagella , Cilla  sproxogaa. 

10 nutrition- - holophytic ,holozoic, saprophytic) parasitic. 

11  Digestion- - intracellular, food vocule .

12. Respiration-- diffusion--body surface. 

13 Excretion. --  contractile  vacule (water balence ) 


14   Reproduction.      î. Asexual   binary fission/ multiple " 

                                       îî.  Sexual   gamet , con jugation

15 Regeneration  : high capacity.  


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